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geodesic dome 【建筑】網格球頂。

Geodesic domes were first proposed by buckminster fuller in 1940s as a new architectural design upon his idea of “ doing more with less “ 在1967年世界博覽會短程線圓頂之父富勒所建的第一座短程線圓頂,即直徑76米的美國展覽場館。

geodesic line

This form of construction is strong and has the additional advantage of enclosing a given volume with the least possible use of materials . geodesic domes are actually derived from regular polyhedra . those that are derived from the dodecahedron and the icosahedron have joints where 5 distinct triangles meet 由正十二或正二十面所建而成的短程線圓頂特色是當中的一些接駁點由五個三角形組成;而由正八面體所建立的圓頂則可以分割成四分之一或四分之三個。

This form of construction is strong and has the additional advantage of enclosing a given volume with the least possible use of materials . geodesic domes are actually derived from regular polyhedra . those that are derived from the dodecahedron and the icosahedron have joints where 5 distinct triangles meet 由正十二或正二十面所建而成的短程線圓頂特色是當中的一些接駁點由五個三角形組成而由正八面體所建立的圓頂則可以分割成四分之一或四分之三個。

Geodesic domes were first proposed by buckminster fuller in 1940s as a new architectural design upon his idea of “ doing more with less “ 在1967年世界博覽會短程線圓頂之父富勒所建的第一座短程線圓頂,即直徑76米的美國展覽場館。